a.nic.fans - nic

a.nic.fans has 2 DNS entries . The authorative whois server for the top level domain 'fans' is whois.nic.fans

Explore by label: a . nic . fans

DNS Records Atom Feed

  • gb A194.169.218.39
  • RRSIG A 8 3 172800 20240820231549 20240721113735 4704 nic.fans. jMJggXDi5x+0Y7A9zqBAOjFfEXdUI82O bl1i1Y3FF2iakhZwp+C4Szy6NHQFbzGL Kl7QCJw2pnVSTeR9Q2MDONIgumsIq4m8 hR3i7sZnWbvyooSz6nE4INTE0K0J4S+v xR7bNhiU8ZyKgiP/ESzoSnMxe9C3+WE6 ubT4T/58c9Q=

Whois for nic.fans

From server whois.nic.fans 7 hours, 42 minutes ago (None):

No whois information found


a.nic.fans : [0], 96 bytes, 4.06 ms (4.06 avg, 0% loss)
a.nic.fans : [1], 96 bytes, 3.78 ms (3.92 avg, 0% loss)

a.nic.fans : xmt/rcv/%loss = 2/2/0%, min/avg/max = 3.78/3.92/4.06



No information found

HTTP Port 80 Reply
