dns3.nic.bot has 2 DNS entries . The authorative whois server for the top level domain 'bot' is whois.nic.bot
DNS Records
- A213.248.222.55
- RRSIG A 8 3 172800 20241116150844 20241012150805 23098 nic.bot. XWhq8eSya0vMrVgquFy5uebZoefWvnxU 8XVLodw8mfv0lSQsQdKuBH879CdpAB0q DF19duizy/wDH7cm8toefbBuSy3CWJYd p1LmUqNZaSOhQ/kV7XOJAahIgipWcSj1 /mfSEPjlOh3/Bne1CFP1OGBk8qruXy2x 29U9HFHPQGDvVa7b5YeMuDqv8I/GIe0W /pEsTy1OD9kb0QrlzixYEKCAFHymyDsJ InAxAhBnUv0OkN2D3msP0WU7elCP7by7 EoHK6ki6KKkiIDkYgWwGc+A3ILcMCmL+ 2TGLp0mu53jcWLIIA/6s6kT0WzVO80sb eh+WMAqabZpQgKSvSN21WQ==
- Records pointing here:
- NSnic.bot
- NSbot
- Show 4 expired records
Whois for nic.bot
From server whois.nic.bot 2 days, 5 hours ago (None):
No whois information found
dns3.nic.bot : [0], 96 bytes, 20.0 ms (20.0 avg, 0% loss) dns3.nic.bot : [1], 96 bytes, 19.4 ms (19.7 avg, 0% loss) dns3.nic.bot : xmt/rcv/%loss = 2/2/0%, min/avg/max = 19.4/19.7/20.0
No information found
Search dns3.nic.bot
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