
g.ext.nic.fr has 4 DNS entries . The authorative whois server for the top level domain 'fr' is whois.nic.fr

Explore by label: g . ext . nic . fr

DNS Records Atom Feed

  • fr A194.0.36.1
  • unknown AAAA2001:678:4c::1
  • RRSIG AAAA 13 4 172800 20240824045518 20240725041045 32267 nic.fr. zLI4znan82jKd5o/eep0kYYDRXwWEODe MFOlKC4X6vONfoHngMePt3q0QmUe0wam s40qdM5SWMqizq0peZb1vQ==
  • RRSIG A 13 4 172800 20240811014703 20240711194727 32267 nic.fr. Vf9/imo/b6V0Mr1jcWNfJ9lKwh+EfMPy Iqj8XPouU0oAhIyrWph+0//HYzXe+bkZ q8eeC3vBxUDKQDGazHam7Q==
  • Records pointing here:
  • fr NSfr
  • ga NSga
  • yt NSyt
  • leclerc NSleclerc
  • ovh NSovh

Whois for nic.fr

From server whois.nic.fr 8 hours, 2 minutes ago (None):




No information found

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