
ns1.phuture.sk has 4 DNS entries . The authorative whois server for the top level domain 'sk' is whois.sk-nic.sk

Explore by label: ns1 . phuture . sk

DNS Records Atom Feed

  • us A205.251.196.249
  • unknown AAAA2600:9000:5304:f900::1
  • RRSIG AAAA 13 3 86400 20240728035943 20240727015943 15218 phuture.sk. 1ghZeUgmQVqJjle+9H+PeMjE2UBBGvxy qoLTZLWQCyHsHHC8UEDfIijRfQsOIJ1x JWjqW71iFKrhAwwi5aeecg==
  • RRSIG A 13 3 86400 20240728035943 20240727015943 15218 phuture.sk. OvgHP/z4BI+xiMNUuf9SgN1uwEQAHvqj 3IKC+O8pl3IF44wcmMZpNNTeWyol2ooj OnphHJ1ep1NftuUaE/nb3A==
  • Records pointing here:
  • sk NSphuture.sk

Whois for phuture.sk

From server whois.sk-nic.sk 13 hours, 49 minutes ago (None):




No information found

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