ns2.dns.nic.ارامكو - nic

ns2.dns.nic.xn--mgba3a3ejt has 4 DNS entries . The authorative whois server for the top level domain 'xn--mgba3a3ejt' is status

Explore by label: ns2 . dns . nic . xn--mgba3a3ejt

DNS Records Atom Feed

  • us A156.154.145.15
  • unknown AAAA2610:a1:1072::f
  • RRSIG AAAA 8 4 518400 20240506063644 20240406062913 54489 nic.xn--mgba3a3ejt. B7jcrwqGp8AMoFVLgD1UuGzc4ZZZHWTf /mDgRvgViK9Rw02bpIJ6xVms3PW88ex7 qAw5+gaTmHrDxL5Dde5wHwktbm+omLfX ZJV8XSkiMe2lCnZra7uF4IAVDmgEJHYJ vWnHdUmqQmptDISOfum3jrH24r5StBtO t2851SJ8S3+kg9fRttS+f19xxZCCCLGD PdWpQsPwWWkM1fHCaoM/oQ==
  • RRSIG A 8 4 518400 20240506063644 20240406062913 54489 nic.xn--mgba3a3ejt. sV0KM7UHOf4vzvTbIhuNrRjfFb3SbyDc Dr8CWn18gC+jvFgpUOdCpbp08ysgQr9y zwQXxtRou4eiSPD45gdwLCf6CMQ/BkGq 48JJ+9PDq6Y4yNfr/8WhLkWzh5MQmdzF SVedOrzFIBGJuVreBmR/k4TwdjiZoNAs VT2k0PJaA6QRY1gy2/8+sVRuoSa2B69P 6F0NrmoZs1sfH7El0D7ftg==

Whois for nic.xn--mgba3a3ejt

From server status 6 days, 15 hours ago (None):

No whois information found




No information found

HTTP Port 80 Reply
