
ns2.nic.fr has 4 DNS entries . The authorative whois server for the top level domain 'fr' is whois.nic.fr

Explore by label: ns2 . nic . fr

DNS Records Atom Feed

  • fr A192.93.0.4
  • unknown AAAA2001:660:3005:1::1:2
  • RRSIG AAAA 13 3 172800 20240809033102 20240710142315 32267 nic.fr. JRNfsjbFbXA+6Gv6cQP/4zD8VNZyBNk9 T06LU9QL9gPGH+R0aWTOvTGmoG6+JECZ 1BmavW0jPIDWTeJmQ1ESgw==
  • RRSIG A 13 3 172800 20240811152931 20240712093520 32267 nic.fr. ry475YK5tbhdxFCsSuiYn4iEVXRRduIl l/crmuMi73KANn2RCuaGndviplDaKrY+ H3Bma2tm/HWqW9nOfV/I1A==
  • Records pointing here:
  • pt NSpt
  • bo NSbo
  • net NSoleane.net
  • bzh NSwww.bzh
  • fr NSuniv-st-etienne.fr

Whois for nic.fr

From server whois.nic.fr 15 minutes ago (None):




No information found

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