ns2.ubu.ac.th - ac

ns2.ubu.ac.th has 4 DNS entries . The authorative whois server for the top level domain 'th' is whois.thnic.co.th

Explore by label: ns2 . ubu . ac . th

DNS Records Atom Feed

  • th A202.28.50.9
  • NSEC ns3.ubu.ac.th. A RRSIG NSEC
  • RRSIG NSEC 5 4 86400 20240712031853 20240612031853 7308 ubu.ac.th. UzgGv6jqqfOWDKX0bXINc1jFKq3K3iBN eiiU+wwnq5qsR9lkIoR7kgIfoXuMxqt6 UQFeBa7Gk8+2t9coRO7FNPrxKMEbXRTG b99xXABCopmzbXzu3iCST3sGr7WvSkDX civnBLugP0LYH5f02F95tp1N0b07t1GH 71B/6NS/B8s=
  • RRSIG A 5 4 86400 20240712031853 20240612031853 7308 ubu.ac.th. CPe4+e3qNcDiJX3/ZPlcXdKPvEfwAF/v 3jLvVc32VsHAXSZ8tLGq4ALeKGtM65L8 rR9fxyiWEeqKU+fGa9nQra0vY8Y1gTjP 8o1zKJc+s4x5A5D7DotmNii4jYqLAtcb 9xz9p2L8b7s8p/HVAOLK6LVt9VQT4YBx xPb7nzqUnpc=

Whois for ac.th

From server whois.thnic.co.th 5 days, 19 hours ago (None):


ns2.ubu.ac.th : xmt/rcv/%loss = 2/0/100%



No information found

HTTP Port 80 Reply
