ns3.dns.nic.winners - nic

ns3.dns.nic.winners has 4 DNS entries . The authorative whois server for the top level domain 'winners' is status

Explore by label: ns3 . dns . nic . winners

DNS Records Atom Feed

  • us A156.154.159.183
  • unknown AAAA2610:a1:1073::b7
  • RRSIG A 8 4 518400 20240819053035 20240720045225 37275 nic.winners. cEYDBeQU5BfmiU2Hbnl8u8OqQLGExr3H bxCVySBMUr9ssTYyCWHgqavdNBS7/6KI P8R3e85YFwuz1/jmalKHoxJ7YIg9knEV HfUPhVQJ8w5Yu5A7ueQA8txrGoatq9ZN EcRSjuIXS9fHvRlrG1/GoNP3pnEDR9it D01s2uUqIdg7QQuZoT/rTWhbPxHReZvG vmIo0a76e8U8COsmBagMRg==
  • RRSIG AAAA 8 4 518400 20240819053035 20240720045225 37275 nic.winners. MSzEO8/fewxRLtsOLHdQnichnWT+Ldwl c9WnAcmPBcO58uPzXrWRkYUTjniAnd2w Pd2QscbmkOML4/WFYts9Rxtb0Vb8z7tk TRBvu5M8ZoYRJpv8QDfqN4SFvCGRCfUb yzHXVj6/ojroBwzIGgK48uZbPN92+d2u bvKdbjKTxFuHaZS3FS4x9FNXXJkm3NqH iVrTKylx6sAl3xT2sfWT7Q==
  • Records pointing here:
  • winners NSnic.winners

Whois for nic.winners

From server status 1 week, 4 days ago (None):

No whois information found


ns3.dns.nic.winners : [0], 96 bytes, 3.99 ms (3.99 avg, 0% loss)
ns3.dns.nic.winners : [1], 96 bytes, 3.83 ms (3.91 avg, 0% loss)

ns3.dns.nic.winners : xmt/rcv/%loss = 2/2/0%, min/avg/max = 3.83/3.91/3.99



No information found

HTTP Port 80 Reply
