ns3.globvill.ruhr - globvill

ns3.globvill.ruhr has 4 DNS entries . The authorative whois server for the top level domain 'ruhr' is whois.nic.ruhr

Explore by label: ns3 . globvill . ruhr

DNS Records Atom Feed

  • de A212.20.161.5
  • unknown AAAA2001:40b8::13
  • RRSIG AAAA 8 3 21600 20240808000000 20240718000000 6330 globvill.ruhr. 2R5itKp2taWXk/SKryctW7cP4gyosd3U tqqivYc9Pv3yJknQwDuJoK3Bx1JZ4dwu E/Br20+TMsWh0lJvIDepFd8clME8A9+b 8hlfJESajifmD57BGA5PNB6wxvXhZ56K RWK+F4MQhMsASbuvIT7yXJ6lfVS9Nytl VkSf2ZmdzSU=
  • RRSIG A 8 3 21600 20240808000000 20240718000000 6330 globvill.ruhr. yTZwmseZFL8xKeWqTXpNnlC77NkWh21H OyQ7+tvp5YCZ2qekUJo8RqSmv+0oyYZ1 DPlHSg15A84xitDEsvtwFu6PblZNbf+y X7KNsV3KcYG3prNJd+frJBC5MWekfIDc cSjGB+WUO81xNsq+0Oj83tjl6Gdmm/dt /lrWCXoWk3E=
  • Records pointing here:
  • de NSvoerde.globvill.de
  • de NSglobvill.de

Whois for globvill.ruhr

From server whois.nic.ruhr 5 hours, 36 minutes ago (None):


ns3.globvill.ruhr : [0], 96 bytes, 7.15 ms (7.15 avg, 0% loss)
ns3.globvill.ruhr : [1], 96 bytes, 7.00 ms (7.07 avg, 0% loss)

ns3.globvill.ruhr : xmt/rcv/%loss = 2/2/0%, min/avg/max = 7.00/7.07/7.15



No information found

HTTP Port 80 Reply
