ns5.dns.nic.aramco - nic

ns5.dns.nic.aramco has 4 DNS entries . The authorative whois server for the top level domain 'aramco' is status

Explore by label: ns5 . dns . nic . aramco

DNS Records Atom Feed

  • us A156.154.157.14
  • unknown AAAA2610:a1:1075::e
  • RRSIG A 8 4 518400 20240825213817 20240726213159 47214 nic.aramco. H1ekY1wXV4gTmlIN5onXre2wK7V/lcTt +Zf9732l7vlkk3RrMCV49r3BAKo1tUOp 4ynfhWC2wVwehMf6njfkomvNpfFMR75+ gho9LNE7HKyUzq/gBgDEZkwtCAwH5oG2 j2OC0wrN1W/vMOFO5xWkQz+auHs5UAtI o1HaGVeJ/Eo4w8/wMgyvfO62/xCm9Qxr ValFGgA786634Laou6VOUg==
  • RRSIG AAAA 8 4 518400 20240825213817 20240726213159 47214 nic.aramco. gYx7p/cd0771439v3eArQ3MXlF25a0+S she9Jw90y5VjI9iM48VVA++9SWfjGU5C dsDpCV1f43Xf9ZitJO72bOFDDXEh880Y EM2JGdBkR3UyvWnl1mqqHi2k8ShdEeeq Yoe4bhLD3PG3OhDRXAv+WW+7K04XarAh xstb/hkgcg/c2TWm16qjHhrUwIl0Z41/ aSTJqSNalf+NqNrdFxap+Q==
  • Records pointing here:
  • aramco NSaramco
  • unknown PTR2610:a1:1075::e

Whois for nic.aramco

From server status 1 week, 1 day ago (None):

No whois information found


ns5.dns.nic.aramco : [0], 96 bytes, 4.24 ms (4.24 avg, 0% loss)
ns5.dns.nic.aramco : [1], 96 bytes, 3.92 ms (4.08 avg, 0% loss)

ns5.dns.nic.aramco : xmt/rcv/%loss = 2/2/0%, min/avg/max = 3.92/4.08/4.24



No information found

HTTP Port 80 Reply
