
pugetsound.edu has 5 DNS entries . The authorative whois server for the top level domain 'edu' is whois.educause.edu

Explore by label: pugetsound . edu

DNS Records Atom Feed

  • edu NSdns2.pugetsound.edu
  • edu NSdns3.pugetsound.edu
  • edu NSdns1.pugetsound.edu
  • RRSIG SOA 7 2 3600 20240728060001 20240628060001 40247 pugetsound.edu. OzDzdDR/AcJNlENW7+EWWGrFsDvDmwXP VQTp1TE93jM8AF1wx3N4GMheVt1g5adi 8993Fmx9L83iE3og3UE7fm5Z84rHUDq9 DbMOwx1bSW+EEXlpLzQuykbfiAjVIVkv 4a0xa9cixktpJmDFpDWMQ8lmbg800JsS JsRFwzZuD3CG575NXSs7j9i62CO4T5TH rbyQRN4Q+t00vo/3LK7tTOpvVUyrbEJN 9t7lqAb4fUAqwiLDNMB7OROOG1aTsDnH BgClM9owsZ8i6jCv1lLwGAvB4U6Z9lay o9XA1ju2uIgZ9nmbRRomVbICzRtJMcrv bT6utnI0/2Vh+Q8lGotH4g==
  • SOA dns1.pugetsound.edu. nssg-systems.pugetsound.edu. 2024050624 900 14400 3600000 86400

Whois for pugetsound.edu

From server whois.educause.edu 1 week, 3 days ago (None):




No information found

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