y.nic.vip - nic

y.nic.vip has 4 DNS entries . The authorative whois server for the top level domain 'vip' is whois.nic.vip

Explore by label: y . nic . vip

DNS Records Atom Feed

  • us A156.154.173.82
  • unknown AAAA2610:a1:1075::1:82
  • RRSIG AAAA 8 3 172800 20240824235317 20240725233302 50283 nic.vip. HlLdnnlVuRTROPKFHl0PH6Fmkupnf2gy CUaTh2utZGwP2wrCaLutHjgxK3WU5YkT VKn1zh+HCbih1NKx4jeyIJn7l4d44CYo GL096X2eDoKRBP84OcDw66p3vKCTAncR Ru+P9iGs0bpd1X4/62aiRHpWxw5EXJbc JLM8wnhRttgux5/wnUvvv2mxP8biSP48 uIFyZCIxJpmaRbQyuTTvMg==
  • RRSIG A 8 3 172800 20240824235317 20240725233302 50283 nic.vip. Ll52ilCf+i19mUbApH2WiRWrxNgw7hhS 1MyiCeTRKSIm9tfmX4+QGXK5NA2yxjM0 Se3xed263v3Pet3X5uQ8UBRIBpwEkZ1h OAiBE1giOr+PgSEogfHqeJdrTpyW6LDh Sa6LPhvhpRQtxOTuRs5UPE3nHFVK8TzW j6EwA4DiX0gJfM1aa6dwYGvIaV+KuH26 PuJhQKcQXMG5fmAZ/8XIcg==
  • Records pointing here:
  • vip NSnic.vip

Whois for nic.vip

From server whois.nic.vip 6 hours, 16 minutes ago (None):

No whois information found


y.nic.vip : [0], 96 bytes, 4.09 ms (4.09 avg, 0% loss)
y.nic.vip : [1], 96 bytes, 3.95 ms (4.02 avg, 0% loss)

y.nic.vip : xmt/rcv/%loss = 2/2/0%, min/avg/max = 3.95/4.02/4.09



No information found

HTTP Port 80 Reply
