b2141.mx.srv.dfn.de - dfn

b2141.mx.srv.dfn.de has 4 DNS entries . The authorative whois server for the top level domain 'de' is whois.denic.de

Explore by label: b2141 . mx . srv . dfn . de

DNS Records Atom Feed

  • de A194.95.234.168
  • RRSIG A 13 5 86400 20240804201924 20240705201831 15867 dfn.de. 7Js6qicCXAIfztQsvkM6dma21aPofoDf EXAS1lWNo9P79uoRby2wLBGFPoKgKu9d I4Z5+dxcZawK/3lARV+MJA==
  • RRSIG TXT 13 5 86400 20240807023632 20240708023447 15867 dfn.de. eXavLfAAlQVj7RRrw5DHlcd4GRweRdF+ vYJdA4g1pBPWtmTkHwoqzxKnYA8usPPI jcpOZ6+ETb7rJ2bTjSYMBg==
  • TXT v=spf1 ip4: -all

Whois for dfn.de

From server whois.denic.de 5 hours, 10 minutes ago (None):


b2141.mx.srv.dfn.de : [0], 96 bytes, 13.9 ms (13.9 avg, 0% loss)
b2141.mx.srv.dfn.de : [1], 96 bytes, 13.6 ms (13.8 avg, 0% loss)

b2141.mx.srv.dfn.de : xmt/rcv/%loss = 2/2/0%, min/avg/max = 13.6/13.8/13.9



No information found

HTTP Port 80 Reply
