www.mail.computerpool.at - This is the default server vhost

www.mail.computerpool.at is powered by nginx and has no DNS entries . The authorative whois server for the top level domain 'at' is whois.nic.at

Content preview from www.mail.computerpool.at: This site's domain name is either not yet pointed or is still propagating. Propagation may take up to 72 hours. Please check back later.

Explore by label: www . mail . computerpool . at

DNS Records Atom Feed

Whois for computerpool.at

From server whois.nic.at 7 hours, 19 minutes ago (None):

No whois information found


www.mail.computerpool.at : [0], 96 bytes, 11.7 ms (11.7 avg, 0% loss)
www.mail.computerpool.at : [1], 96 bytes, 11.5 ms (11.6 avg, 0% loss)

www.mail.computerpool.at : xmt/rcv/%loss = 2/2/0%, min/avg/max = 11.5/11.6/11.7



No information found

HTTP Port 80 Reply

Content-encoding: gzip
Transfer-encoding: chunked
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Server: nginx
Last-modified: Wed, 24 Jul 2024 14:37:44 GMT
Connection: close
Etag: W/"66a111b8-55b"
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 16:36:33 GMT
Content-type: text/html